Now more than ever, your cleaning process is incredibly important. Disinfecting spaces and sanitizing surfaces is a common practice. Materials like chem wipes used to keep your spaces germ-free are important and all are not made the same. For example, not all cleaning products are EPA approved. EPA approved means it was passed by the United States Environment Protection Agency. The United States Environment Protection Agency ensures that the product is safe for humans and the earth. Since cleaning products are made of chemicals, it is important to know if it safe for you! Excess chemical exposure could lead to lung damage and many other medical conditions. Here are three tips on how to use the best cleaning products for your space and you.
First, look at the cleaning products’ directions. You may know how to clean, but sometimes different products require different processes. Plus, you may not be using the right cleaning product for the intended use. For example, chem wipes are a special kind of towel meant to be used with a disinfectant. The exclusive chem wipe material performs like a wiper but does not bind quaternary chemicals as ordinary towels and wipers can. Chem wipe material apertures not only trap particles but also help scrub the surface. Chem wipes are cleaner, safer, and easier than open bucket or spray-type systems. Chem wipes are highly recommended by industry professionals. Using the right materials is the first step in choosing the right cleaning product for you!
Second, make sure they are EPA approved like mentioned before. Many cleaning products will try to fool you into thinking they are safe by saying “eco-friendly” or “non-toxic”. Any company can make that claim but it is likely a disguise. Under the EPA’s approval, there are also lists. The lists are separated by what viruses and germs the cleaning product kills. The cloth you use to wipe is also important. While materials do not get EPA approved, chem wipes are designed to not cross-contaminate products. This reduces the risk of a chemical reaction. If you are a school during flu season, this is an especially important step!
Lastly, look at the ingredient list. Any cleaning company that does not openly reveal this information should be avoided. There may be safe cleaning products that do not share their ingredients, there is probably a reason why the ingredients are hidden. The ingredients in your cleaner matter because it affects how toxic and how effective the product may actually be. Chem wipes are a great example because it clearly explains what the product is made out of. Read the ingredient label as you would for food and do some research if necessary.
Nosaj Division of NDI has over 40 years of success in the wiping material industries offers us a unique knowledge of the competition, the competitive pricing, the different materials in the marketplace and the industries that use our product. One of our most popular products is chem wipes . Check out our website today!