As any East Ardsley locksmith will tell you, home security is essential to prevent burglars from intruding into your property. One of the most common ways burglars get into your property is through a weak lock on your entry door that is easy to break. Such locks are picked more quickly because the lock mechanism is exposed. Many Brits across the country use the euro cylinder locks on their property and are vulnerable to lock snapping and, therefore, easy to break-in.
What is lock snapping?
It is a term describing an intruder’s technique of breaking into a house and accessing your property. Many people have fallen victim to this easy hack because it is easy to do. The intruder uses this technique to snap the cylinder lock into two by applying some force. When the cylinder snaps, it exposes the lock mechanism allowing the intruder to tamper with it and unlock the door.
Lock snapping is common with burglars because it doesn’t require any skill or experience to execute. It takes less than a minute for a thief to snap the lock. The intruder will only use some brute force and a tool such as a harmer or a screwdriver to remove the outer cover and expose the locking mechanism. In most cases, locks with a euro cylinder profile and more than 3 mm handle are easily snapped due to their weak design. These euro cylinders are found on UPVC front doors in many UK homes.
The lock snapping incidents are high in the UK since it is a much simpler technique than lock-picking. It is estimated that most burglaries in some areas utilize this technique when targeting homes. All doors with euro cylinders are prone to this lock snapping. The more a cylinder is accessible, the more prone it is to snap.
How can you prevent lock snapping?
The best possible way of preventing lock sapping is by installing the right anti-snap lock on the door. Every front door needs a secure lock to keep your home safe. However, it would be best if you determined whether your cylinder locks are vulnerable to lock snapping. A euro cylinder lock is vulnerable to attacks because they don’t have the anti-snap feature to prevent attacks.
Installing the right locks is the only way to prevent lock snapping and make your home secure. The right locks should be anti-snap since they have a tested cylinder that keeps the lock from snapped. Today, lock snapping is not as common due to the introduction of new snap-resistant locks such as Era Lock Replacement. These are higher security anti-snap locks that overcomes the risk of lock snapping. These locks have been tested against lock snapping and will reduce the risk of burglars breaking in.
If you have euro cylinder locks on your door that are at risk of being snapped, consider upgrading to Era Lock Replacement as soon as possible. You need to upgrade to an anti-snap lock that will keep your home secure. A properly fitted cylinder will provide more protection against snapping.
Bottom line
You can purchase an anti-snap lock and install it on your front and back doors. When choosing a lock, select an anti-snap from Era Lock Replacement. These anti-snap cylinders are developed with anti-snap lines that enhance the security of the lock. It means there are two lines for the intruder to pass before they can break into the house. The locking mechanism will remain intact, preventing a burglar from breaking the lock.
You can also take the help of a professional locksmith when installing the anti-snap locks. These locksmiths are trained and experienced in selecting the right cylinder size that fits your specific door. London Locksmith 24h has approved and experienced locksmiths who will help you identify the best anti-snap lock and install it on your door.