With traffic control speed bumps to reduce the speed of drivers and help in road safety, It is necessary to bear in mind that safe driving is essential for your safety and the safety of other people. Below, we have separated some best practice tips for drivers, aiming at safer traffic and better use of your fleet. Check out!
1) Take Care Of The Vehicle
Make the fleet’s maintenance so that there are mechanical problems in vehicles is a good contribution to avoid collisions and mechanical breakdowns. Furthermore, it contributes to not making the traffic even more chaotic than it already is. An unexpected problem can cause some critical components, such as brakes or steering, to malfunction at a critical time, causing accidents. With preventive and predictive maintenance up to date, this risk is much lower.
2) Respect The Signage
Traffic signs are not there for nothing. Each sign and sign placed on the roads has the function of avoiding misunderstandings and dangerous situations. Respecting signs is a fundamental practice to ensure traffic safety! Thus, respecting the signs prohibiting overtaking, prohibited conversions, preferential spaces, among others, is essential to reduce risks for yourself and others.
3) Don’t Double-Row
In addition to being a risk to the vehicle itself and its occupants, stopping in a double line makes other drivers need to take unexpected actions to avoid the blockade. The practice causes traffic jams, which only worsen the traffic situation and drivers’ and pedestrians’ stress. Not stopping in a double line is a positive attitude that favors safer traffic for everyone.
4) Taking Care Of Pedestrians And Cyclists
The rule is simple: the biggest always has responsibility for the safety of the minor. Thus, pedestrians and cyclists should be preferred, as well as motorcyclists. After all, the risks are greater for those in a smaller vehicle or on foot in a collision.
5) Decrease Speed
As well as keeping a safe distance, not abusing speed is paramount for defensive driving. In addition to providing more time for a reaction, decreasing the stopping distance, and increasing the field of view, a slower speed will also make the consequences of any accidents smaller.